
Imagine a Fluffy Remy Human Hair Scrunchie which matches your hair topper! The PERFECT Combo!

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Need Andrea’s expert opinion on what services your Topper would benefit from? Book a same day video chat here!

A video chat is the best way to determine what service your Topper would best benefit from. We will not bleach/lighten.

The Revive & Refresh service prolongs the life of your Perfectfringe Topper. It also allows you to make further changes to the cut, style or colour which will considerably enhance its wearability to fit your personal requirements.

To qualify we simply ask:

1: Your Topper is a Perfectfringe brand

2: You live in the UK (only because customs make it difficult to send it back & forth)

To get started, get in touch with your full name & order number and what you would like us to do to your Topper. Ideally include photos or a video of your topper in it’s current state.

Example: Hi, my order number is “12345” I would like to send it back for a darker root colour, 1″ trimmed off the ends, a face-frame cut, styled left part and wavy ends.

The Revive & Refresh service includes any of the following:  Washing, deep conditioning, any hair cuts of your choice including face-framing or adding a fringe,  colouring in or darkening an ombre root, toning/darkening the colour all over, highlights, lowlights, money piece/fame frame highlight. Basically – anything!

Turnaround is 5-7 working days but Fast Track is available 1-2 working days (extra £45 cost), then sit back and wait for your beautiful Topper to be returned back to you looking and smelling fantastic!

Refer to our Instagram highlight labelled “Revive & Refresh” to see our beautiful transformations. Or click ‘here’

Some clients never wash their Toppers and send them back to use every 12 weeks for a makeover and some “Andrea Magic” !!  You will be absolutely blown away by the transformation